Additional Network Logger Pro Features

Network Logger Pro monitoring 3 websites, doing periodic download speed tests, showing traffic flowing over the local Internet connection and traffic on local routers.*
Internet Connection Monitoring:
• Detect & Record DNS Service Outages
• Configure every aspect of Internet Outage Detection
• Create Custom Test Regimes of http, ICMP and IP only server addresses
HTTP Monitoring Example Log Entry:
Sep 08 5:23:53 AM
Retrieved URL:
Data Speed: 33.12 Mbps
Data Size: 36.00 kb
Total Request Time: 537.2 ms
Header Response Time: 528.5 ms
Data Transmission Time: 8.7 ms
Header Status Code: 200
Ping Monitoring Example Log Entry:
Sep 08 5:34:57 AM
Received Ping Response For:
Round Trip Time: 119.8 ms
Jitter: 690.0 µs
Customizable Spoken Announcements:
When monitoring a server URL or a device IP address with a URL Monitor you can customize the spoken and logged status announcements by entering a custom announcement. With this you can set up spoken announcements for any device that responds to pings or HTTP requests such as:
• The company website is down.
• The smart TV in Johnny’s bedroom has been turned on.
• The IP security camera by the garage went down.
• The online store payment gateway is not responding.
Other Features:
• Customizable Color Themes
• Linear and Log Graphing Styles
• Clickable Stats on Bar Graphs
• Autosave of Monitoring Sessions
• Save and Resume Monitoring Sessions
• Export Graphs as PDFs
• Export Logs as .log Files
• Export Test Activity as .CSV Files
Also see Network Logger IT, a separate product with the same features, but which also offers emailed notifications of several types of monitoring events.
Some customers have told us of interesting uses they have for Network Logger Pro. One network contractor uses it to monitor wifi systems he installs on remote drilling rigs and to provide statistics to his clients in the energy industry documenting his service. Another uses Network Logger Pro to monitor a narrow band satellite link in Africa, to determine the best times of day to connect.
You can export URL speed graphs as PDFs or copy the network outage log and quickly show tech support what you are experiencing in a way that enables them to understand what’s going on at a glance. Everyone we know who has shown Network Logger output to their service provider has had their problems solved immediately.
An optional speech synthesis feature announces when your internet connection goes down and up which can be handy when you are working on your network in another room and saves you from walking back and forth to check your network status.
The appearance of Network Logger Pro is customizable. Choose a built in Color Theme or create your own with 44 UI elements that can be assigned to any color you like.